Knechel, Nancy

USA 625 E. Pine Street, Central Point, OR 97502


eSleepWellness was founded by Yale-trained sleep scientist Dr. Knechel in order to increase the accessibility of sleep providers to the millions in need of care. Dr. Knechel has conducted research, published, and presented internationally on the topic of sleep. She is aware of the discrepancy between how many suffer from insomnia, sleep disorders, and poor sleep quality with the lack of access to highly trained sleep experts. eSleepWellness was created to address this discrepancy.

eSleepWellness follows the scientific principles that serve as the underpinnings of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. All of the providers and coaches at eSleepWellness have obtained CBT-I certification through the CBT-I program developed and tested at Harvard Medical School. However, eSleepWellness goes beyond the principles of CBT-I and incorporates many more techniques and provides support to adjunct areas that are deemed highly influential to sleep, such as food, anxiety, stress, etc.

The keystone program is the Sleep Bootcamp. This 30-day program will kick start the client into increased restfulness and reduce or eliminate insomnia symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and stress. It consists of 4 video appointments directly with Dr. Knechel, support between appointments via email or text, sleep diary analysis, detailed sleep assessment, an individualized treatment plan, coaching and modification if needed during implementation, optional virtual bedroom evaluation, and more!


Knechel, N. A., & Chang, P.-S. (2022). The relationships between sleep disturbance and falls: A systematic review. Journal of Sleep Research, 00, e13580. Knechel, N. (In press). Disorders of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat. In V.J. Fuller & P. S. McCauley (Eds.), Textbook for the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: Evidence-Based Standards of Practice, Springer Publishing. Knechel, N., Wolf, L. (2019). What’s in a Sample? Why Selecting the Right Research Participants Matters. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 4(3), 332-333. doi:10.1016/j.jen.2019.01.020 Knechel, N. (2016). Examining the development and validation of the Berlin Questionnaire for obstructive sleep apnea screening in older adults. Journal of Nursing Doctoral Students Scholarship (JNDSS), 4, 23-29. Knechel, N. A. (2015). The relationships between sleep disturbance and falls among Veterans who have experienced strokes. Yale University, 1-177. ID: 10012503 Knechel, N., Redeker, N. (2015). Does Sleep Disturbance Increase the Risk for Falls? Nursing Research, 64(2). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia. Knechel, N. (2015). When a crash is really an accident: A concept analysis. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 22(6), 321–329. doi: 10.1097/JTN.0000000000000167 Knechel, N. (2014). The problem of drowsy driving: Connecticut in the spotlight. Yale Journal of Medicine and Law, X(2). Knechel, N. (2013). The challenges of enrolling older adults into interventions studies. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 86(1), 41–47. PMCID: PMC3584494
  • USA 625 E. Pine Street, Central Point, OR 97502

Additional Details

Nurse Practitioner
6-10 Years
1-5 Years
1-5 Years